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Monday, December 12, 2011

Calm Down Strategy

For today's blog we wanted to share a strategy that can be used to teach a student techniques to calm down. See the "Calm Down Strategies" cards Option 1 & Option 2. These are just a starting point, you may choose to make your own calm down strategies to suit you and your environment. If you would like to keep track of the student's progress and reinforce appropriate behavior, please click here to view a sample chart.

Calm Down Directions

  • This is a pre-taught skill.  The steps need to be taught, modeled, and practiced prior to the moment of anger. 
  • A pre-determined quiet area should be selected within the classroom.   
  • Teacher gives a “calm down card” to cue the student to take a break.
  • The student should move to the area and go through the practiced calming techniques.
  • The teacher will continue with the classroom instructions or other activities. 
  • The student should be invited to rejoin the class after demonstrating controlled behavior.
  • The incident should be reviewed between teacher and student at a later time. 
  • The goal would be for the student to recognize his/her need to take a break.  The teacher and student could agree on a silent signal to indicate the need.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Whole Class Discipline Policy

We found this discipline policy online and had to share.  This is a parent letter defining the whole class management system used in a Kindergarten classroom, however, can be adapted and used in a variety of grades.  See the behavior calendars here that are used to document the students' day.  These cannot be changed due to the pdf format, but provide an idea of how it would look if you want to use this plan in your room.  

Polka Dot Patch
Discipline Policy 

Dear Parents,
In order to guarantee your child and all the children in our classroom the excellent learning climate they deserve, we are utilizing the following discipline plan.  As you know, good behavior and learning go hand in hand.  Simple class rules have been established to ensure your child has a positive and safe learning environment.

We believe that even at the age of five, children need to learn the importance of accepting responsibility for their actions.  All children are expected to follow classroom rules and procedures, and we will help them learn to do so in a positive, fair, and equitable manner.  Good discipline allows us to teach, and students to learn.  This is the right of every student.

1.         Listen when your teacher is talking.
2.         Follow directions quickly.
3.         Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
4.         Raise your hand to speak and stand.
5.         Be safe, be kind, be honest.

***Each rule has a gesture that goes along with it to help us learn and remember it.  I’m sure you will be hearing and seeing these soon!! J***

This year we will be using a colored “clip chart” to monitor our behavior and classroom choices.  Your child will have a clip that they will physically move up or down the chart, depending on their choices.  Please keep in mind that your child may not move every single day!  In order to move up, students must go above and beyond in their behavior choices.  The chart below explains how the clip chart works. 

Clip Chart
Students who reach the Red level will be rewarded for their positive choices by adding a jewel to their clip and receive a special certificate of recognition.  Conduct Grade: E+
Great Job!
Students who continue to make positive choices move up to the orange level.  They are one step closer to having outstanding classroom behavior!  Conduct Grade: E
Good Day
Students who make positive choices will receive recognition as they move up the chart.  Conduct Grade: S+
Ready to Learn!
Everyone starts the day “Ready to Learn”! Students can “clip up” or “clip down” throughout the day depending on their behavior choices.  Conduct Grade: S
Think About It!
Students who receive a warning will move to blue.  This serves as a reminder to students to think about the choices they make.  Conduct Grade: S-
Teacher’s Choice
Students, who continue to make poor choices, will move to purple.  This will result in a consequence that is appropriate for the choice that was made.  Different choices require different consequences. Children are different so consequences will vary depending on the child and the choices made. (Time out, loss of privilege, loss of playtime, loss of ice cream etc…) Conduct Grade: NI
Parent Contact
Students who move to pink will require parental contact by me.  Parents will be contacted via telephone, email or note depending on the severity of the behavioral choice.   Conduct Grade: U

Each day, your child’s conduct will be marked on his or her Behavior Calendar that is found inside the D.O.T Book.  We will simply mark the color that your child has ended the day on in the correct date on the calendar. I will put a behavior code (1, 2, 3 etc...) next to the color on the calendar (if needed) so you will know what exactly happened that day and so you will be able to have some dialogue with your child about their day.  Using these codes is a quick and efficient way to record daily behavior and keep you, the parent as informed as possible.  There will be a key for the behavior codes in the D.O.T Book for your reference.  We ask that you check your child’s Behavior Calendar each day and initial it so we know that you have seen your child’s conduct grade.

I have found this system to be very successful in Kindergarten, and with all the modeling and practice we do at the beginning of the year, most of my students are able to be very successful with their behavior.  Of course, if there is a continued pattern of negative behavior, I will call for a conference with you so we can discuss the issues and solve the problem together.
We look forward to establishing the best possible learning environment for your child.  With teamwork and cooperation among parents, teachers, and students, we will have a terrific year!  We will be in close contact with you regarding your child’s progress in our classroom this year and appreciate your support.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks so much for your help and support,

Mrs. Nichols        
Mrs. Swearingen